2011. 6. 11.

      Tokyo business trip #3 (unused)

                           Unused is one of hot brand in Japan nowdays when i've been to BEAMS
                           (one of famous fashion company in Japan)they treat most of season's  goods
                           in main place and at that time they have a plan to held exibition for 11fw PRE
                           ordering for customers. 

                           I envy this kind of fashion market culture many customers love their
                           local brands also big fashion companies invest money and to provide place.. 

                           I'm sure that product seoul will be like that
                           (i have to work harder than now... it's so sad)  
                           Anyway their showroom is located in a little bit far from main street and
                           they don't have any sign but i love that kind of atmosphere        

No sign !! and ...... there was residential area
(i appreciate to Koyhei)

But inside you can see 11fw unused's goods

                         If you  visit their website you can see 11fw goods and also you can see  our
                         on,off line store from this season we love unused !!