2011. 6. 6.


PHOSPHORESCENCE is glow or soft light which is produced in the dark. It's a little bit difficult word
to pronounce and it's my first time to see this wried word but When i realized meaning of this one 
i think that it's very beautiful and it goes well with the brand name They said that  

" Phosphorescence is to create sunglasses that can become an extension of
yourself and your personal  style....Phosphorescence I have created such an arena.
 I am inviting fashion designers, graphic  designers, artists, style icons, architects,
and musicians to come together to create something they might not
 have thought they could create.I feel all people should come together to help our
creative network grow, to inspire and challenge each other to ascend in our practice,
 no matter what that practice is. Phosphorescence strides to become a cultural
 meeting point for all people.Together the Phosphorescence team strive to create
 a line of eye wear that evokes creativitywithin the person who wears them,
to make each individual who wears Phosphorescence eye wear to feel strong and
original when they step into the world."

-Hisham Akira Bharoocha via- PHOSPHORESCENCE

I completely agree this sentence in this season they collaborated with
Erin Wasson, Kim Gordon, No age, Opening ceremony, Rokers NYV,
United Bamboo, Zero + Maria Cornejo

Product seoul treat Erin Wasson, O.P, United Bamboo's goods let me show you some pictures 

If you visit our shop you can see more goods see you in Product seoul !!
We love PHOSPHORESCENCE( also all of artists )