2011. 9. 22.

Now available USED FUTURE 11FW goods in PRODUCT SEOUL

We've got USED FUTURE's 11fw goods after presentation so i would like to show you some popular products

 OT 201
S size / M size
 camo / olive ( KRW 210,000 )
Recently CAMO pattern is booming in fashion market and customers are looking for that kind of goods.
Used future also presented that stuff. It looks like classic M-65 jacket but a little bit thin
so you can use shirt and they use blue color on the neck line and elbows.

LM 101
 S size / M size black / camel
(KRW 1,070,000 )
Curiously, this is a woman's most popular good even mans style stuff !!
They usually ask "This brand is only for man? That would be okay to wear?"
The shape looks like only for man but they use bright color inside of that jacket
So it doesn't seem like normal jacket it's very unique

I will show you more goods tomorrow !! and you can see every used future's
11FW goods in our off-line store and we will upload on our on line store as soon as we can

We love USED-FUTURE !!